Monday, October 22, 2007

From Dusk Till Dawn...

From Dusk Till Dawn starts of as a crime thriller and switches midway to an all-out vampire horror fest. Inevitably, the movie boils down to one great good versus evil battle – more like bad versus evil given that all the “heroes” begin tainted. Clooney and Tarantino are ruthless thieves/murderers. Keitel is a man-of-god sans god. The rest of the denizens of the bar are bottom-of-the-barrel types. It’s the group’s conversion in the face of true evil that makes this a fun ride. Can’t help but to break down the characters to WEGS Arketypes:

The Sage
Harvey Keitel. The holy man, ‘nuff said. His “spell” use was the way his convictions boosted morale in the final battle. Once he found god again, the others all jumped on board. You could say that their combat stats were all raised by him (a la Blessed Warrior spell). He was also able to bless the water (spell effect that caused enchanted wounds to vamps) and keep the vamps at bay with his holy symbol (spell effect).

The Rangers
Both the kids in the film are Rangers. Juliette Lewis due to use of crossbow and guns. Ernest Liu due to use of water-pistol and holy water grenades. These two held down the ranged weapon attacks during the final battle. Due to their age, I’d even categorize them as Gnobbits (wee folk). The way that Juliette invades the same square as Clooney during the final shoot out is evidence of this…

The Warriors
Tom Savini with high Trickster marks (due to use of whip/gun and stealth combat techniques). Fred Williamson is a straight up hand-to-hand warrior with amazing Prowess stats.

The Tricksters
Clooney and Tarantino are Tricksters. Clooney’s main weapon was his Get The Point skill, which he uses beautifully throughout the movie. He gets high Warrior marks, too (due to his use of brute force/fists). His gun skill (ranged weapon) is pretty bad (couldn’t even hit the clerk in the first scene), so he must have a pretty low Ruggedness (or his dice rolls just suck!). His jackhammer weapon at the end is a wacky weapon that loans itself to equal parts Stealth and Prowess. I’d have to say that the Clooney character is a straight-up Trickster who has chosen Tough over Lucky (more Wounds than Spoints).

Tarantino is a tough one to call. He is equal parts Trickster and Ranger. He’s more of a shoot ‘em up type and gets high Ranger marks due to his gun/ballistic skills. He stinks at hand-to-hand combat and doesn’t stand a chance when the vamp jumps him. Even after Tarantino turns into a vamp, he still stinks in hand-to-hand, and is easily destroyed by the others who hold him down. He’d have Insanity marks higher than Sanity. I’d say that he’s a Lucky Trickster who uses his Spoints to counter his Insanity stat. He’d have to have a high Spoint pool as he’s the one the vamp selects to feast on first. He seems to be the Spoint prize (normally this would be the Sage, but as Keitel starts faithless, his Spoints have bottomed out).

In the end, only one Humnz Trickster and one Gnobbit Ranger survive.

That’s WEGS at the Movies, folks!

(or WATM - New tag for this blog...)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your points about the Tarantino character being a mix of Ranger and Trickster raise the obvious question for WEGS: can arks multiclass in WEGS?

El Willy said...

Absolutely - it's all in how folks assign their Rank bonuses. If a Warrior decides its time to bone up on Ruggedness, that's the player's decision. WEGS 101 doesn't cover "buying skills" of the other Arks. This is a big part of WEGS Copper. It's 100% a part of the player's options. Arketype determines your core talents - but it doesn't limit you from the other Ark skills. There's some tough decisions for players who take WEGS to the next level.