Friday, June 8, 2007

Lay Of The Land, Part 6...

Part 6?!?

Enough's enough!

When I started this post I said I'd see it through...

Good God!

Part 6....

Let's get to WFRP...

I'll be honest. The first time I picked it off the shelf I was put off. It was the character sheet that scared me - specifically the Armour Points section: the little outline of a man with percent ranges assigned to various parts of the body. Rolling a 01 - 15 meant you hit the head of your opponent. I was at a point in my gaming career where I just didn't need that level of detail. In fact, that was specifically what I was trying to avoid - calculations for every conceivable detail. Plus this book was over 364 pages! This was a lot of material to digest.... Then I saw the Critical Effects table - and became disgusted. Suppose you did hit an opponent in the head, well, they had a secondary table for you to consult for what occured. Rolling a 16 on this secondary table meant "Your opponent's head flies off in a random direction, landing 2D6 feet away"... Tables that reference sub-tables... Good Grief! To make this totally not the game for me there was gunpowder and blunderbus and bomb rules... Totally un-Tolkien! To top it all of there was a Dwarf on the front cover with a punk rock mohawk and tattooed scalp. This game was so wrong for me on so many levels....

I put it back on the shelf and walked away.

For a couple of months at least...

1 comment:

Kennon said...

Every reason you put this game down were the reasons I picked it up. Who doesn't like rolling 2d6 to determine where your opponent's head lands? That's awesome.