Wednesday, September 5, 2007

GenCon - Beginning or End?

The last week I've been trying to figure out if GenCon is the start of the "gaming season" or the end. I've been so conditioned by my life in theatre that I think of things in "seasons". Heck, everything has a season - especially sports. Theatre, however, generally encompasses a full year, traditionally with the summers dark. Big opener in the fall, followed another production pre-year end. Second half is a mid-winter show and then a pre-summer closer. Factor in that rehearsals for the first show of the season begins mid-summer and there really isn't a break to speak of. Enough of theatre talk, I gave that life up for my gaming...

So, GenCon... What is it? I'd like to say "end". This is probably because GenCon is so draining with the schedules we run that once that con is over, I don't want to think about gaming or working on games for a couple of weeks following (hence, my lack of postings of late). GenCon also comes hot on the heels of Origins, so the ramping up for Origins is like starting the engines for GenCon. If anything, I use Origins as my final playtesting ground for the games we offer at GenCon.

GenCon definately has that world series feel (and Origins a penultimate feel). GenCon is the big moment that you strive for if you're releasing a product. After the con is over, there's definately a lull until the local cons begin to pick up speed. The fact that summer ends a couple of weeks thereafter also gives it the flavor of an ending point.

So, end it is.

Time to get the new season of gaming started!

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