... the Summer of Redux officially kicked off when WEGS Old Skool Redux and WEGS Dice Rule! went on sale at Origins 2010. Since then, the books have been sold at our booth at Historicon and also at Dexcon (thanks to Professor J), not to mention a few direct email requests from fans who just couldn't wait for the GameWick Games website store to start offering the new swag!
I'm happy to say that we've taken in more sales this first month than we did the entire last year. This is hugely due to our rabid convention fan base (you know who you are) who have been waiting three years (cough. cough. sorry. cough.) for something new to buy!
I thank you all for your support!
Gen Con 2010 is the next and final stop for our summer con-hopping hijinks. For those of you waiting for the GameWick Games store to go live, that will be very soon. Due to the limited stock (we only ran 300 of each book), I did not want to go live with it until post-Gen Con. However, I think we have enough copies remaining to throw open those internet flood gates and still have enough stock for the last con o' the season.
Besides, if we sell out at Gen Con, all the better (less to pack back into the car)!
Now go out and play some WEGS!