Friday, June 18, 2010

Old Skool Orange

Remember cheeze doodle and dorito stains on character sheets?

The tell-tale sign that the character was experienced and used in prior play.

That color orange I tried to recreate for the Old Skool branding - a burnished orange/gold that has a friendly richness about it. Without the oily blotches, of course.

Now don't wait to get you snack-coated fingertips on the new products coming out this summer! They go on sale next week at Origins.

Bring your own snacks, though...

(Wizard on Die by Kennon James)


A.P. Klosky said...

Is it any coincidence, then, that my new blog-layout posts its subheadings in Cheeto-Orange?!

Man, oh man...the Lyrds had their say with that one...

See you in a few days! Can't wait to see how all of the hard work turned out!

El Willy said...

Too funny...

Proper name is:



See you out at the Clockwork Origins...