Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Wegziotic Triangle

"Had you stepped on board the Pequod at a certain juncture of the post-mortemizing of the whale; and had you strolled forward nigh the windlass, pretty sure am I that you would have scanned with no small curiousity a very strange enigmatical object..." I'm blathering, of course, about the Wegziotic Triangle...

As I was pondering this year's WEGS tour, I've come to realize that we've established a triangular playing zone; from Stony Brook NY to Indianapolis IN to Greensboro NC. The center of this triangle is somewhere in the middle West Virginia*. It's my hope that many gamers start getting sucked into this zone, mysteriously disappearing off the radar of conventional game systems, only to reappear shouting "Spante!". If nothing else, the Wegshogs now know our field of battle and can start conquering the gaming world one geek at a time.

(* It's my suspician that there's some kind of eerie, glowing, multi-sided monolith here... )


Anonymous said...

I do believe the exact center of this zone is a little town called Strange Creek, WV (coincidentally the location of my secret lair). Not much info on this town on the web but it is quite picturesque ( and complete with a legend surrounding the first man to get lost searching for the fabled center of the WEGS zone -

Anonymous said...

hmmm . . . first link got cut off, that number should be 2388069260

A.P. Klosky said...

So, that means that the Temple of Witts is in the midst of the triangle...

Can't wait, brother, to see that Kreator's Kit! Cheers!

El Willy said...

Jason - don't worry, your secret lair location will never be revealed by the twelve folks who read this blog ;-)

Looks like you found a new setting and plot line for a WEGS adventure... That guy must have had a Wicked Failure on his Sense Direction... or maybe he was done in by a CCOUSS (carniverous cow of unusally small size).

El Willy said...

Mr. Platinum,

I think the Wittweggers are our northern border rangers... Led by that Gnobbit Trickster Nordling of yours... I think our next move will be to press north toward the Great Lakes, and then, of course, Canada... However, we need to wait until spring after the frost... We'll have a strategy session at the next WittCon...

A.P. Klosky said...

It's great to be on the front lines...The invasion of Illinois will soon commence!

And, for the record, Nordling's a humz. ;) A great, great, grand-pappy of the one and only Goddamn Jim-Bob...remind me to tell you about him sometime.

El Willy said...

Mr. P,

Sorry about the Gnobbiting... Humnz Trickster is even better to lead the way, those Gnobbits tend to get distracted by shiny things. We need focus if we're taking Illinois, though I think Wisconsin is going to be the rub; that's the land of the great CCOUSS horde!